Skellig Michael Landing Tour 2020
Now Open - Bookings for the Skellig Michael Landing Tour 2020
Spaces available - book your Skellig Islands landing tour with us now
Skellig Michael landing tours usually…

Last Tour of 2019
Here at Skellig Michael Cruises we ran our last tour of 2019 around skellig yesterday (the 17th of November), we had a really great trip to Skellig Michael today with this lovely group of people from Germany who came to Ireland for the weekend…

Skellig Michael Tours for Bank Holiday weekend
Book our Skellig Boats for your tour around Skellig Michael this bank holiday weekend.
We have spaces available on our non-landing tour around Skellig Islands. You can book online or call our Skellig Michael booking office on 0876178114…

Skellig Michael Tours- Exceptional weather - Don't miss out!
Exceptional weather for Skellig Michael Tour. Lots of wildlife activity at the moment - it is peak season here. Our Skellig Boats are able to get close in to the narrow coves of Skellig Michael and Small Skelligs and see everything these beautiful…

Skellig Michael Tours
Skellig Michael Tours
Beautiful evening in Portmagee.
Skellig Michael Boats ready for 2019.
You can book this Skellig Michael tour online https://www.skelligmichaelcruises.com/booking-skellig-michael-tours/ or call to our booking office…

Bookings for Skellig Michael Landing Tours 2019
Skellig Michael Landing tours 2019
Bookings will open on Friday March 22nd at 1:15pm
You can check availability and book tour preferred tour online.