Skellig Michael boats
Skellig Michael Tours was launched on the 23/7/2013. This initiative was our brain child as we could clearly see a gap in the Skellig boats market providing tours for people who were unable climb to the rock. We now have 8 Skellig boats operating tours around both Skellig islands.
We operate 8 Skellig boats.
- The Marber Therese II
- Skellig Star
- Skellig Dawn
- Jessica Kate
- Skellig Flyer
- Mám an Oraigh
The Marber Therese II A Cygnus cyfish 39 is our biggest Skellig boat again with seats on inside and outside. Having seats inside ensures comfort and shelter from the weather while the seats outside enable all passengers to enjoy a full view of Skellig Michael in comfort.
The Marber Therese II is a new charter boat built to the highest standards for carrying passengers around Skellig Michael. This newly built Cygnis Cyfish 39 has a full Irish P5 licence.
The boat has been named after my father’s trawler “The Marber Therese” which was built and launched in Dingle in 1981. It remained in full operation until 2009.
Skellig Flyer
The latest addition to our fleet
Skellig Michael Tours Expansion
As part of our business expansion our Skellig boats fleet we have recently acquired The Skellig Star, Jessica Kate ( Intercepter), Mám an Oraigh and our newest edition Skellig Flyer ( built 2021) all have have twin engines. These boats are very safe sea worthy boats for cruises to Skellig Michael on the Wild Atlantic Way. Again these skellig boats have shelter and seating for all passengers as well as a toilet on board.
All our skellig boats are modern and fitted to the highest safety standards to meet the needs of all our passengers.
Come and join us
Now that you have met Skellig Michael tours and the Skelligs boats, feel free to look through our site and enjoy the wondrous Skellig Michael and Skellig Islands After this, I know you will want to take a Skellig Michael tour with us and I promise you it will be an experience that you will hold dearly for the remainder of your life.